OPENING FILM  懷念電影大師 拉烏•盧伊茲
         In Memory of Film Master Raúl Ruiz
鄉村歲月 Dias de Campo / Days in the Country

拉烏•盧伊茲 Raúl Ruiz | Chile/France | 2003 | Color | Spanish | 35 mm | 89 min


◎台北 12/16(五)19:00  12/21(三) 15:10 
    12/23(五) 21:30 12/24(六)16:50 
    01/04(三) 17:50 01/05 (四)20:40
◎高雄 12/30(五)14:00

劇情簡介                          回影片頁面

★Lima Latin American Film Festival 2006 / First Prize of the Critics Award
★Montréal World Film Festival 2004


拉烏.盧伊茲在1941年生於智利小鎮波多蒙第,早期投入智利前衛劇場運動,撰寫過無數舞台劇本。19歲開始拍攝電影短片和紀錄片,1968年以首部劇情長片《三隻傷心老虎》(Three Sad Tigers)勇奪盧卡諾「金豹獎」,而崛起於國際影壇。


In a cafe probably in Santiago two old men talk over their past and about themselves as if they were dead. Don Francisco already 90, remembers the people that surround him at his old "hacienda". For years he tries to finish his novella with memories from past conversations in his peaceful and rainy estate, where only apparitions of people that might be dead disturb everyday life. His daily routines include ordering the menus for meals he hosts and also meaningful talks with his old and loyal servants. Toward the end Don Frederico wanders through the house full of objects placed as still life portraits, beautifully illuminated by natural windows while occasionally meets his thirty-year-younger self; he listens to the announcement of his own death tirelessly repeated on the radio……

Dias de campo marks another return by Raúl Ruiz to his homeland of Chile after filming the four-part epic Cofralandes (2003). Raul Ruiz passed away earlier in August this year (2011) leaving behind a rich legacy of complex, cutting-edge and poetic films. He wrote in his book Poetics of Cinema: ‘Every film buff has at least one special experience, the object of his regret. Mine is neither sad nor happy, given that it never really happened. It provokes a melancholy that the Portuguese call saudade: nostalgia for what might have occurred.’

◎For more info:
◎Print source: Margo Films

